The "Arterial Hypertension" Journal, first issued in 1994, celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2009.
In 1998, after the change of the founders, the journal was re-registered by the Russian State Committee on the press. The second re-registration took place in 2009. Currently, the founders of the Journal are:
The all-Russian non-governmental organization for hypertension management and prevention «ANTIHYPERTENSIVE LEAGUE» (197341, St. Petersburg, Akkuratova str., 2, lit. A pom. 1H), “I.P. Pavlov Saint-Petersburg State Medical University” of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (197022, St. Petersburg, Tolstoy str., 6 / 8), “Almazov Federal Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Centre” of the Federal Agency for hi-tech medical care "(197341, St. Petersburg, Akkuratova str., 2).
The “Arterial Hypertension” journal is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals. Recommended by the advisory council of the Russian High Attestation Commission for publication of scientific results of a dissertation for the doctoral and PhD. The Journal is in the list of periodicals, recommended by the Russian High Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
The journal’s subjects include the problems of epidemiology, pathogenesis and therapy of arterial hypertension of various genesis.
"Arterial Hypertension" is the only periodical in St.Petersburg, discussing a wide range of issues related to hypertension, and is targeted to both practitioners and scientists at the same time.
“Arterial Hypertension” is a scientific periodical published 6 times a year since 1998. ISSN 1607–419Х.
The circulation is 5000 copies.
You can subscribe through the directory of the “Rospechat” agency, the subscription index is 36876. Copies can be mailed through the Russian postal service or through the “Rospechat” agency. The journal is distributed throughout most regions of Russia, copies are sent to the Russian National Library and the libraries of the country's leading academic medical institutions on a regular basis. Copies are also distributed among health professionals (cardiologists) working in the clinics of St.Petersburg.
The target audience of the journal includes internal medicine specialists and cardiologists.
The official languages of the journal are English and Russian (the names of the Editorial Board members, the content, the title, author's names, contact information and summaries are printed on both languages).
The principal office is located at: 194156, Saint-Petersburg, Parkhomenko prospect, 15.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.