Dear colleagues! 

The edition of a journal « Arterial hypertension » offers you cooperation: it is ready to place scientific information and advertising of your company on pages of a journal in 2010.

« Arterial hypertension » - scientific - practical journal, publishing article, devoted to a wide spectrum of modern problems of arterial hypertension - from basic researches of pathological processes up to results of clinical tests of new medicinal agents and practical references for cardiologists and therapeutists.

The journal « Arterial hypertension » concerns to the conducting reviewed editions recommended by expert council on medicine for publication of the basic scientific results of the dissertation on competition for scientific degree of the doctor and candidate of sciences.

There are following sections in journal: advanced and editorial articles; original articles; reviews and lectures; the references for the practitioner; discussions; brief reports; historical sketches in section "«Kunskamera";  information on conferences, workshops, congresses; advertising.

In 2010 the following thematic releases are planned:

1. Arterial hypertension at elderly;

2. Combined therapy of arterial hypertension;

3. Arterial hypertension and diabetes;

4. Idiopathic hypertension and dislipidemia;

5. Defeat of target organs at arterial hypertension;

6. Arterial hypertension and comorbidity.

Since 2009 per there are 6 numbers of journal published annually, circulation of a journal makes 5 000 copies. We pay your attention that 3000 copies of a journal are dispatched to leading medical establishments of Russia and near foreign countries. Therefore cost of accommodation of the information in our journal is comparable to expenses for dispatch of your advertising in medical institutions of Russia. Advertising in a scientific - practical journal « Arterial hypertension », which has large authority among cardiologists, you can essentially raise your efficiency.

The edition of a journal « Arterial hypertension » hopes for the further cooperation with you.

Yours faithfully,

Deputy editor, professor Konradi A.O

The director on Marketing Tanicheva A.A.


The documents:

The contract

The appendix to the contract

The price-list on services

The demands to advertising modules

Rules of manuscripts submission