The All-Russian non-governmental Antihypertensive League was created in order to enhance the preventive health care in the field of hypertension and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Antihypertensive League is the organizer of major Russian and international conferences and symposia and the co-founder of the Arterial Hypertension journal, which is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the field.

altA word from the founder of the Antihypertensive league

The organization’s first President – Eugene V.Shlyakhto – Director of the Federal Almazov Heart, Blood and Endocrinology Centre, and the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.Dear Colleagues,

The Russian government is increasingly focusing its attention to the ways of improving the health care system and the quality of medical care in our country. The top priority tasks set by the Russian government in the framework of the national “Health” project is strengthening of our citizens’ health and the improvement of preventive medicine. Currently hypertension is the leading cardiovascular disease in Russia, both on prevalence and the number of complications leading to life quality impairment and disability.

The Antihypertensive League was founded in 2006 to help health professionals and the public join forces in the fight against hypertension. Currently we have 45 regional offices in Russia.

Eugene V. Shlyakhto