On November 24-26 the third meeting of Volga Federal District (VFD) cardiologists - «Cardiology of VFD - possibilities and perspectives» - will take place in Somarsky State Medical University. About one thousand specialists in cardiology, cardiosurgery, neurology, endocrinology, nephrology, etc. will take part in congress. All-Russian public organization «Antihypertensive League» will be represented by its founder – director of Federal State Institution Federal State Center of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology (FSI FSC of HBE) named by Almazov, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - E.V. Shlyakhto, and League president - professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, deputy director on scientific work in FSI FSC of HBE named by Almazov – A.O. Conradi.
The results of last researches in cardiology, up-to-date aspects of treatment, prophylaxis and diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases and complications will be discussed on the conference.
III conference of Volga Federal District cardiologists.
Main directions of work
«Cardiology of VFD - possibilities and perspectives»
- Fundamental researches in cardiology.
- Epidemiology and prophylaxis of cardiovascular pathology, prevalence of chronic non-infectious diseases risk factors.
- Primary and secondary prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases.
- New approaches in diagnostic of cardiovascular diseases and complications.
- Up-to-date aspects in treatment of cardiovascular diseases and complications.
- Interventional cardiology.
- High-technological aid in cardiology.
- Cardiology and cardiosurgery in pediatrics.
- Sanatorium-resort rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular disorders.
- Perfection of cardiological aid in the primary link of public health services.
- Cooperation between cardiologists and other specialists (neurologists, endocrinologists, pulmonologists, etc.).