From June 18 till June 21 2010 in Oslo (Norway) was held 20th European Conference on Arterial Hypertension (20th European Meeting on Hypertension).
In a centre of attention were news in the field of the pathogens, diagnostic, complications and treatment of arterial hypertension.
The results of the research center's employees were represented in the form of poster presentations (Karelkina EV, Irtyuga OB, Korostovtseva LS, OP Rotar, Emelyanov IV) and oral report to parallel oral session on 20 June 2010 (Konradi AO Marinibufagenin-induced sodium pump inhibition associates with pressor response to mild salt loadining in patients with resistant hypertension). Great interest has attracted a seminar on the protection of myocardial arterial hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, organized by the Center of VA Almazova the conference June 21, 2010. Chairman of the seminar were Professor Shlyakhto EV and Professor, Vaage J. (Norway). Presentations were made by Professor J. Vaage (Norway), D. Hausenloy (UK), MM Galagudza (Russia) and Konradi AO (Russia).
The plenary lectures and sessions highlighting current issues of subclinical organ damage, target, home and ambulatory blood pressure measurement, EVA (early aging vessels) syndrome and the results of recent clinical studies. Of particular interest for young scientists of the lecture of Professor L. Lindholm flew to Sweden on the rules of submission of scientific articles in international journals.