May 19th - “The World day of struggle with arterial hypertension”.
The event will be carried out by the All-Russian public organization “Antihypertensive League”
under the support of St.-Petersburg Public Health Committee and FSI FSC of HBE (Federal State Institution Federal State Center of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology) named by Almazov.
Arterial hypertension is the most severe factor of heart attack and ischemic stroke development. More than 1 billion people suffer from it. However half of the patients do not know that they have high parameters of blood pressure.
All-Russian public organization “Antihypertensive League” is created with the purpose of intensifying a preventive orientation of public health services in the field of arterial hypertension and other risk factors of cardiovascular complications. One of “Antihypertensive League” basic purposes is distribution of knowledge about a healthy way of life, modes of health strengthening, and first of all cardio-vascular system.
For the first time in Russia cardiologists of FSI FSC of HBE named by Almazov will go out on the streets to tell people how to keep their hearts healthy. Within the frameworks of this event the following tests will be carried out:
- blood sugar express-test;
- anthropometry;
- blood pressure and pulse measurement;
- cardiologist's examination.
All participants will receive an expert advice and information materials about how it's possible to keep heart healthy.
The action will take place at address:
- on Malaya Konyushennaya street from 12 o'clock till 16 o'clock;
- on Malaya Sadovaya street from 12 o'clock till 16 o'clock;
- in supermarket “Lenta” from 12 o'clock till 16 o'clock; addresses: Dalnevostochny prospect 16/1; Obvodny channel embankment 118/7, Energeticov prospect 16.
- shopping Center “June” (Industrial prospect 24)
Opening of the event, devoted to the Day of struggle with arterial hypertension, will start at 12:00 on Malaya Konyushennaya street. Opening ceremony will be leaded by All-Russian public organization “Antihypertensive League” President A.O. Conradi, professor, deputy director on scientific work in FSI FSC of HBE named by Almazov.